Ballet & Dance Lessons
Early dance education
A (3.5J-4.5J)
Children love to dance. We support the innate enthusiasm for dance and strengthen it. In child-friendly stories, children learn about their body parts and how to perceive and move them in isolation. These newfound movement skills give them self-confidence and increase their creativity to transform their movement potential into dance fairy tales.

Classical Ballet for 7 – 8 years of age
In our school we teach using the Vaganova (Russian) method. It is characterised by special logic and a seamless structure. The technical and dance steps continue to develop from year to year. Physical and mental discipline is increased enormously. The children get the chance to enjoy classical music, which (empirically proven) also promotes intelligence. The ballet technique enables students to feel themselves in flowing, rounded movements and to discover their love for ballet.

Children’s Jazz from 8 years on
In our jazz dance courses we dance to the latest charts and cool beats. You will learn cool choreographies from jazz dance and hip hop elements without neglecting the further development of the technique and basics. We make sure that the movements remain age-appropriate.

Ballet for Adult Beginners
Many people often ask themselves whether it isn't already too late to start ballet. However, as long as you do it as part of an enriching hobby, it is never too late to start ballet. Classical ballet not only offers a holistic balance for the body after a long day at work. Due to the high concentration that arises during the lesson, the student is completely absorbed by the dance and is therefore 100 percent physically and mentally dedicated to the ballet. Since the execution of movements requires a very high level of precision, which we teachers constantly convey during lessons through corrections and assistance, and you also try to remember the sequence of movements, there is simply no space or time in your head for other thoughts. Our students really appreciate this quality and have seen dance as a valuable, personal component. Because ballet not only includes the high fitness aspect, but it is culture, meditation and art at the same time. Classical ballet offers perfect holistic training and the quality of movement and body control gained has a very positive influence on everyday life and, above all, on other sports.

Contemporary Dance
The contemporary dance course is aimed at dancers with and without previous knowledge of contemporary dance technique who would like to immerse themselves in a style characterised by flowing, expansive movement. It should invite you to move freely and musically within the exercises and small choreographies. The participants should get a feeling for their individual physical possibilities with which they can acquire exercise. We also welcome dancers who consider themselves to be at an intermediate level and would like to get to know a different, new style, as well as dancers who have previously danced more classical ballet and would like to try something new.

Early dance education
B (4.5J–5.5J)
In this stage of early dance education, we refine the movements that have already been developed through play. In addition, there is now increased rhythmic and musical education. In addition, as we get to know different dynamics and partner exercises, the movements become more and more complex, which is reflected in the dance stories.

Pointe Technique
Pointe dancing is the dream of many ballet students. However, strong foot and ankle muscles are required to avoid risking damage. We pay attention to proper top dance, which is reflected in fearless, safe and graceful movements. In order to fulfill the Vaganova schedule in all areas, training for pointe dance twice is sensible and necessary.

Jazzdance for Teenagers and Adults
One of the most popular dance forms is taught in these lessons. Jazz dance is constantly evolving, after all it lives from the rhythm of current music. The latest dance styles and music videos are incorporated here and bring a lot of fun and power.

Body Workout Personal Training
Since the full body workout as personal training is tailored entirely to your personal needs, we can work specifically on your personal goals. For example, I like to combine interval and cardio training, Tabata, mobilisation exercises and stretching. Please send inquiries directly to lia@rosenthal-ballett.de

Training for professional dancers
Pascal Touzeau, renowned former director and choreographer of well-known dance companies and long-time soloist at Forsythe, offers specially tailored courses designed to specifically improve the skills of professional dancers. Pascal honours the uniqueness of each dancer and provides personalised feedback and specific support to achieve dance goals.

Early dance education
C (5.5J-6.5J)
In the advanced stage of early dance education, we lay the foundation for a smooth transition to classical ballet by further refining the movements we have already developed through play and giving them a more technical dimension. The integration of rhythmic and musical elements is complemented by the introduction of specific movement terminology from classical ballet, whereby the children not only learn the movements but also their correct names. This approach leads to more precise execution and a deeper understanding of dance technique, which is essential for developing clean technique in classical dance. By getting to know different dynamics and incorporating partner exercises, the movement sequences not only become more complex, but also more technically demanding.

Ballet performance class
It is very important to us that, in addition to a great passion for ballet, children and young people also have other essential qualities such as discipline, sound and clean dance technique, musicality, flexibility and strength, to name just a few points, respectfully and in a trusting manner to convey the environment.
The goal in our performance class is to prepare for entrance exams at ballet and dance universities in Germany and Europe. In addition, we are very keen to enable the ballet students to acquire a sound craftsmanship in order to be able to express their enthusiasm and passion for classical ballet at the highest level.

Ballet for Teenagers and Adults
Of course, we also offer ballet lessons for teenagers and adults, for beginners and advanced students. The courses are very well received and enable some people to fulfill a childhood dream. We also give ballet lessons for adults in the morning. Classical ballet not only offers a holistic balance for the body after a long day at work. Due to the high concentration that arises during the lesson, the student is completely absorbed by the dance and is therefore 100 percent physically and mentally dedicated to the ballet. Since the execution of movements requires a very high level of precision, which we teachers constantly convey during lessons through corrections and assistance, and you also try to remember the sequence of movements, your head simply has neither space nor time for other thoughts. Our students really appreciate this quality and have seen dance as a valuable, personal component. Because ballet not only includes the high fitness aspect, but it is culture, meditation and art at the same time. It is therefore a perfect holistic training, the quality of movement and body control gained has an enormously positive influence on everyday life as well as on other sports.

Stretching is important for every target and age group! Without stretching, the muscles in our body shorten and tighten over time and our range of motion becomes more and more restricted. Things that are otherwise so simple can become increasingly difficult. To counteract this process, it is advisable to regularly participate in our stretching program. Tensions are released and you can move more freely again.