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1. Registration

1.1 Registration for participation in classes at the ballet school is possible in text form using the corresponding, fully completed and signed form "Registration" at the ballet school Rosenthal Ballet (Bastionstraße 9, 40213 Düsseldorf Carlstadt).

2. Tuition Agreement

2.1. The teaching contract is concluded after confirmation in text form by the school. There is no entitlement to admission.


2.2. For underage students, the application must be signed by a legal guardian of the student.

3. Duration of Contract / Lesson Times

3.1. The contract period is 3 months, beginning on the 1st of the month following the date the contract was signed. The contract is automatically extended by 3 months in each case unless it is terminated in writing by the contractual partner two months in advance. Should a young person reach the age of eighteen during the contract period, the fee will automatically be increased to the adult rate. This does not apply to trainees or students.


3.2. There are no classes on public holidays. During the school holidays in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the lesson times, the lesson cycle and the composition of the groups can change. Missed lessons can be made up for after prior agreement.

If students do not take lessons, the obligation to continue paying the fee is not affected.


The same applies if lessons are canceled for reasons for which the school is not responsible (e.g. force majeure or illness). If possible, the school will offer to make up for the lessons.

4. Termination

4.1. The teaching contract can generally be terminated 3 months in advance. The cancellation must be received in text form by the school administration.


4.2. Only in the case of compelling reasons (e.g. long-term illness that prevents further participation in classes; relocation, etc.) can the school agree to the termination of the tuition contract without observing a period of notice, provided that the hindrance has been made credible (e.g . by submitting a medical certificate, official registration certificate).


4.3. If, after consultation with the student or his or her legal representative, the teacher and school management come to the conclusion that it does not make sense to continue teaching individual subjects, the school can terminate the teaching relationship prematurely.


4.4. The right to terminate for good cause without observing a notice period remains unaffected by the above provisions. This is the case if the terminating party cannot reasonably be expected to continue the contract until the end of the notice period, taking into account all the circumstances of the individual case and weighing up the interests of both parties.

5. Prices & Annual Fees

5.1. The prices valid at the time of conclusion of this contract apply as the agreed remuneration for the contract period. The amount results from an overview that is posted in the school administration. An overview of the applicable prices will also be provided on request. Non-teaching times (section 3.) are already taken into account in the monthly fee.


5.2. The school reserves the right to adjust the monthly fee with prior notice. The price increase will be communicated in text form at least 2 months in advance. The student has the option of extraordinary termination within one month of receiving notification of the price increase.


5.3. The student or their legal representative issues a direct debit authorization for the monthly fee. The school is billed on the first of each month for the current month.


5.4. The direct debit procedure makes the school's processing work much easier. This is already taken into account when calculating the monthly contribution. If no direct debit authorization is granted, this saving is lost, so that the monthly fee then increases by 3 euros. Payment must be made to the Rosenthal Ballet School account no later than the 5th of the month in advance:

IBAN: DE28 3005 0110 1008 1040 26, BIC: DUSSDEDDXXX, Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf.


5.5. In the event of a delay in payment, EUR 3.00 will be charged for the first reminder and EUR 5.00 for each additional reminder.


5.6. Any bank charges incurred as a result of direct debits being reversed will be borne by the contractor.

7. Teaching Timetable

7.1. Courses are always chosen by mutual agreement.


7.2. Changes to the choice of lessons during the current school year (increasing or reducing the duration of lessons, change of teacher, etc.) are only possible on request in text form.

8. Student Incapacity

8.1. If the student is unable to attend, the student or his or her legal representative is obliged to inform the school in good time. There is an entitlement to make up for the lessons not received as a result, but there is no entitlement to financial reimbursement.

9. Supervision & Liability

9.1. Teachers supervise students only during class. Supervision begins and ends in the classroom.


9.2. The school is not responsible for the loss of or damage to student property or loss of valuables. (This limitation of liability does not apply in the event that the damage was caused intentionally or through gross negligence.)


9.3. The school is not liable for damage to health suffered by members as a result of participating in the courses offered, nor for accidents they are responsible for. The instructions of the teacher must be followed.


Each participant has to decide for himself whether participation in the course is compatible with the respective physical and psychological condition - if necessary with the assistance of expert medical advice.

In this respect, Rosenthal Ballet cannot be held liable for damage to body or health or other damage.

Irrespective of this, known acute or chronic illnesses must be reported to the respective teacher before the lesson.

Existing physical, mental and/or other health restrictions or an existing pregnancy should be confidentially communicated at the latest at the beginning of the course. Should physical or psychological complaints and/or other health restrictions occur during the course, the school must be informed immediately; whether further participation is justifiable from a health point of view will be decided.


9.4. If Rosenthal Ballet is obliged to pay damages, this obligation to pay damages only arises in the case of slight negligence if life, body or health or essential contractual obligations have been injured. In this respect, Rosenthal Ballet is also liable for an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a vicarious agent. Otherwise, liability for negligence is excluded.


Except in the case of intent or gross negligence, there is no liability for inaccurate information, tacit assurances and contractual or other contractual liability reasons of any kind. With the exception of an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty, this exclusion of liability also applies to damage caused by employees, representatives, contractual partners and others of Rosenthal are caused by ballet service providers and, for whatever reason, should be attributed to Rosenthal Ballet.

Rosenthal Ballet assumes no liability for damages, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation due to incorrect information provided to Rosenthal Ballet


Apart from cases of intentional fraud, Rosenthal Ballet accepts no liability for statements or factual representations by employees or other persons associated with this contract that are not recorded in writing in this contract or are otherwise recorded in writing and signed by a Rosenthal Ballet employee responsible for this purpose.


If Rosenthal Ballet is obliged to pay damages, this obligation to pay damages only arises in the case of slight negligence if life, body or health or essential contractual obligations have been injured. In this respect, Rosenthal Ballet is also liable for an intentional or negligent breach of duty by its legal representative or a vicarious agent. Otherwise, liability for negligence is excluded.

10. Ballet Clothes

10.1. Uniform dance and ballet clothing as well as shoes are to be procured by the student himself and at his own expense in accordance with the school's specifications.

11. Privacy Policy & Updating Personal Information

11.1. Rosenthal Ballet only collects and processes data

• for which the student or the legal representative of the student has given their consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 a GDPR, or

• the Rosenthal Ballet needs it in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 b GDPR to carry out our contractual obligations. or

• are required to fulfill legal obligations pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 c GDPR, or

• in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 f GDPR for a legitimate interest


11.1.1. In principle, Rosenthal Ballet only transmits data to third parties to the extent that this is necessary for the fulfillment of its contractual obligations.


11.1.2. Rosenthal Ballet only stores personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing or storage is subject to a statutory retention period. Storage beyond this only takes place if consent has been given in this regard and at most until this is revoked.


11.1.3 Rights of the data subjects: The data subjects have the right to receive information about the processing of their data free of charge, to complete the data, to have the data deleted or blocked if the relevant requirements are met, to have the processing restricted, to allow the processing object to revoking your consent to processing for the future and to complain to the competent supervisory authority. (See Article Art. 7 Para. 3; 15 to 18; 20; 21; 77 GDPR)


11.2. The student or his legal representative is obliged to inform the school immediately of any changes to his personal data that are necessary for the implementation of the tuition contract (changes in address, telephone number, bank details, etc.).


11.3. The right to publication on the Internet for the visual representation and design of the Rosenthal Ballet website is hereby approved. If requested in writing, this right can be revoked.

12. Final Provisions

12.1. Applications and verbal agreements are only legally effective if they have been confirmed in text form by the ballet school.


12.2. Should a provision of these terms and conditions be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of these terms and conditions.


12.3. Place of jurisdiction is Rhein-Kreis Neuss/ Düsseldorf.

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